BronnenVinaya Pitaka (V)
V-SvI. Suttavibhanga I: Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, Part I, The Patimokkha + The Mahavagga 1 t/m 4, Oxford, 1881.
V-SvII. Suttavibhanga II: The Bhikkhuni Patimokka, The Bhikkuni’s Code of Discipline, translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, maart 2009.
V-Mv. Mahavagga: Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, Part I, The Patimokkha + The Mahavagga 1 t/m 4, 1881;
Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, Part II, The Mahavagga 5 t/m 10 + The Kullavagga 1 t/m 3, 1882.
V-Cv. Cullavagga: The Book of The Discipline (Vinaya-Pitaka), Volume V (Cullavagga) translated by I.B. Horner, Oxford, 2001; secundaire bron: Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, Part II, The Mahavagga 5 t/m 10 + The Kullavagga 1 t/m 3, 1882; Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, Part III, The Kullavagga 4 t/m 12, 1885.
V-P. Parivara: The Book of the Discipline (Vinaya-Pitaka), Volume VI, (Parivara), translated by I.B. Horner, Oxford, 2004.
Sutta Pitaka (S)
S-DN. Digha Nikaya: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, A translation of the Digha Nikaya by Maurice Walshe, 1996 ; ;
S-MN. Majjhima Nikaya: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, A new translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, original translation by Bhikkhu Nanamoli, translation edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1995;;;; (bespreking Majjhima Nikaya door Ven. Dhammavuddho Thero.
S-SN. Samyutta Nikaya: The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Volume I+II, 2000;;
S-AN. Anguttara Nikaya: The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, A Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi, 2012;
KN-Khp. Khuddakapatha: The Supplementary Reading, edited and translated by Anandajoti Bhikkhu.
KN-Dhp. Dhammapada, A Translation, Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc, 1997;;
KN-Ud. Udana: A Translation With an Introduction & Notes by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, 2012; Verses of uplift, in Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, volume II, F. L. Woodward, PTS, Bristol, 1935
KN-Iti. Itivuttaka: This was said by the Buddha, A Translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, revised edition 2013; As it was said, in Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, volume II, F. L. Woodward, PTS, Bristol, 1935.
KN-Sn. Sutta Nipata: The Sutta Nipata, A Collection of Discourses Being One of the Canonical Books of The Buddhist, Translated from Pali by V. Fausböll, Oxford, 1881;
KN-Vv. Vimanavatthu: Stories of the mansions, I. B. Horner, in Minor Anthologies IV, 2nd edition, Bristol, 1974, PTS.
KN-Pv. Petavatthu: Stories of the departed, Henry S. Gehman, in Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, volume IV, PTS, Bristol, 1942 (via
KN-Thag. Theragatha: Theragatha en Theragati, Der Lieder der Monche en Nonnen, Aus dem Pali ubersetzt von Ekkehard Sass, Universitat Konstanz, 2000;
Kn-Thig. Therigatha: Theragatha en Theragati, Der Lieder der Monche en Nonnen, Aus dem Pali ubersetzt von Ekkehard Sass, Universitat Konstanz, 2000;
KN-Jat. Jataka: The Jataka or Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births, translated from the Pali by various hands, under the editorship of Professor E. B. Cowell, Vol. I translated by Robert Chalmers, Cambridge, 1895; Idem, Vol. II, translated by W.H.D. Rouse, Cambridge 1895; Idem, Vol. III, translated by H.T. Francis, Cambridge 1897; Idem, Vol IV, translated by W.H.D. Rouse, Cambridge 1901; Idem, Vol. V, translated by H.T. Francis, Cambridge 1905; Idem, Vol. VI, translated by W.H.D Rouse, Cambridge 1907;
KN-Nd. Niddesa,
geen geschikte bronnen gevonden.
KN-Psm. Patisambhidamagga: The Path of Discrimination (Patisambhidamagga), translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Nanamoli, London and Boston, 1982;
Psm(ToK): Treatise on Knowledge, Hoofdstuk 1, Mahavagga, of Great Division
Psm(ToL): Treatise on Liberations, Hoofdstuk 5, Mahavagga, of Great Division
Psm(ToV): Treatise on Voidness, Hoofdstuk 20, Second Division, On Coupling, etc.
Psm(ToI): Treatise on Insight, Hoofdstuk 29, Derde Divisie, On Understanding, etc.
KN-Ap. Apadana,
geen geschikte bronnen gevonden.
KN-Bv. Buddhavamsa: Chronicle of Buddhas, The Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, Part III, Chonicle of Buddhas (Buddhavamsa) en Basket of Conduct (Cariyapitaka) I.B. Horner, Oxford.
KN-Cp. Cariyapitaka: Chronicle of Buddhas, The Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, Part III, Chonicle of Buddhas (Buddhavamsa) en Basket of Conduct (Cariyapitaka) I.B. Horner, Oxford, 1975.
KN-Nt. Nettippakarana: The Guide (Netti-ppakaranam), according to Kaccana Thera, translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Nanamoli, The Pali Text Society, London, 1977.
KN-Pk. Petakopadesa,
geen geschikte bronnen gevonden.
KN-Mp. Milindapañha: The Questions of King Milinda, translated from the Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids, Part I (1890) en II (1894), Oxford;
Abhidhamma Pitaka (A)
A-Ds. Dhammasangini: A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, being a translation, now made for the first time, from the original Pali of The First Book in de Abhidhamma Pitaka, entitled Dhamma-Sangani, compendium of states or phenomena, with introduction essay en notes by Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids, London, 1900. De Atthakatha kanda is in deze vertaling niet opgenomen. Ik heb dit verder ook niet online kunnen vinden).
A-Vb. Vibhanga: alleen Satipatthanavibhango (Vibh. 7), Analysis of the Ways of Attending to Mindfulness, edited en translated by Anandajoti Bhikkhu, new edition, november 2013,
rest niet verkend.
A-Dk. Dhatukatha,
geen geschikte bronnen gevonden.
A-Pp. Puggalapaññati,
geen geschikte bronnen gevonden.
A-Kv. Kathavatthu: Points of Controversy or Subjects of Discourse, being a translation of de Katha-Vatthu from the Abhidhamma-Pitaka, by Shwe Zan Aung and Mrs. Rhys Davids, London, 1915.
A-Y. Yamaka: The Book of Pairs (Yamaka), Volume One, A Text Translation from the Pali of de Chattha sangita Edition by U. Narada and U. Kumarabhivamsa, Penang, 1998; Khanda Yamaka, Sacca Yamaka, onderdeel van een cursus Yamaka door dr. S. Nandamalabhivamsa, Myanmar, 2009, vertaling verwijst naar tekst van U. Narada; Sankhara Yamaka, Anusayo Yamaka, Citta Yamaka, Dhamma Yamaka, vertaald door Nandameda, 2011; Indriya Yamaka, orginally translated bij Banmaw Sayadaw Ven. Kumarabhivamsa, edited by Isi Nandameda, May 2012.
A-P. Patthana: Pathana-Dhamma (via; Patthana-arammana en
Suhajatu deel, door Agganyani (via Ik kon geen gebruik maken van de vertaling door Narada genaamd ‘Conditional Relations’, noch van zijn gids.
Patthana deels verkend.
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