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there is no second - the Buddha
« Gepost op: 30-08-2024 14:27 »
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The Buddha's concept of "no self" or "anatman" is closely related to the idea of "there is no second." While the Buddha didn't use the exact phrase, his teachings imply that there is no separate, enduring self that exists independently of the ever-changing stream of thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

Key points from the Buddha's teachings on "anatman":
  • The Impermanence of All Things: All things are subject to change and decay. There is no permanent, unchanging self.
  • The Interconnectedness of All Existence: All beings and things are interconnected and interdependent. There is no isolated, independent self.
  • The Illusion of Self: The sense of a separate self is an illusion created by the mind.
The Buddha's emphasis on the impermanence of all things and the interconnectedness of existence is consistent with the Advaita Vedanta concept of "there is no second." Both teachings point to the ultimate unity of all things and the illusion of separation.

Ramesh Balsekar was a prominent teacher of Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality. His statement "there is no second" is a core tenet of this philosophy.

What does "there is no second" mean?

In the context of Advaita Vedanta, this statement implies:
  • Unity of Existence: There is only one reality, one being, one consciousness. The illusion of multiplicity, including the concept of time, arises from the limited perspective of the individual ego.
  • Timelessness of Reality: The ultimate nature of reality is beyond time. Past, present, and future are constructs of the mind, created to understand and navigate the world of experience.
  • The Present Moment: The only reality is the present moment. The past is a memory, the future is a projection, and neither has any real existence.
Implications for Daily Life

Understanding the non-dual nature of time can lead to:
  • Peace and Serenity: By focusing on the present moment, one can reduce stress and anxiety caused by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
  • Freedom from Suffering: The illusion of time can lead to suffering. By recognizing the timeless nature of reality, one can free oneself from the limitations of time and experience greater freedom and happiness.
  • A Deeper Connection to Existence: Understanding the unity of existence can foster a sense of interconnectedness with all beings and a deeper appreciation for the beauty and mystery of life.

Karl Renz is another teacher of Advaita Vedanta who has used the phrase "there is no second." Like Ramesh Balsekar, Renz emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality and the illusion of separation. 

Key points from Renz's teachings on "there is no second":
  • Unity of Consciousness: There is only one consciousness, one being, behind all appearances of individuality.
  • Timelessness of Reality: The ultimate nature of reality is beyond time. Past, present, and future are mental constructs.
  • The Illusion of Separation: The sense of a separate self is an illusion created by the mind.
Renz often uses provocative and unconventional language to challenge his students' preconceived notions. His approach can be seen as a form of "crazy wisdom," designed to jolt people out of their habitual ways of thinking and awaken them to the true nature of reality

Satsangs van Ramesh Balsekar en Karl Renz heb ik in India in 2003/04 en 2007 wekenlang bijgewoond.
Het heeft echter nog tot augustus 2019 geduurd eer mijn vooropgezette ideeën en gebruikelijke manieren van denken verdwenen als gevolg van een Goddelijke interventie.  ;)